Monday, February 6, 2017

Let's Dance The Society Waltzes - Michael Paige

American Waltz Medley
Let's Dance The Society Waltzes
Cotillion Waltzes for Champagne Dancing
With Michael Paige and His Society Orchestra
Produced by Tom Morgan
Capitol Records T1456

This is an obscure album and perhaps it would be best to leave it that way. Yes, that's crowd noise you hear in the sample. The effect plays through the entire set as if your turntable needle is dirty or worn.

From the back cover: He (Paige) has been playing music for dancing ever since he finished school and joined the famous Orville Knapp orchestra, remembered and respected as the first of the great society orchestras. Today, he has one of the most successful and satisfying society orchestras of his own. The has played at the Ritz-Carlton in Boston, the Lord Baltimore in Baltimore, the Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia, the Rice in Houston, the Ambassador in Los Angeles, and practically every other top hotel in the country.

Fallin In Love With Love
European Medley (Vilia, Liberstraum)
Baubles, Bangles and Beads
Viennese Medley (Artist's Life, Gold and Silver, Sari)
It's Most Unusual Day
American Waltz Medley (A Bicycle Built For Two, The Band Played On, After The Ball)
Hello Young Lovers
Where Did We Go? Out.
Over The Waves
The Most Beautiful Girl In The World

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