Saturday, August 20, 2016

Late Hours Open House - Frank DiFabio

You And I Alone
Late Hours Open House
Frank DiFabio And His Trio
Brunswick Records BL 54103 (yellow promotional label)

From the back cover: Mr. DiFabio, born and launched (career-wise) in New York, has been playing some of the most popular clubs in Florida for the past several years, but returns to Gotham soon for an engagement at the famous Embers, with Jazz favorite Jonah Jones.

Having studied harmony and theory at the well-known Juilliard Conservatory of Music in New York, and Schillinger's theory of rhythm under David Holguin, Frank has appeared with such eminent musical names as Les Elgart, Louis Prima, Billy Butterfield, Art Mooney, Buddy Rich and Billy May. He has functioned as accompanist for vocalists such as Johnny Mathis and Jackie Paris.

The trio, featuring the piano of Frank DiFabio, includes Eddie Schwager on bass, and Lee Schwartz on drums.

From The Hickory Record: DiFabio performed with jazz greats from Frank Sinatra and Louis Prima to Nat King Cole and Johnny Mathis. He came to Hickory (North Carolina) from New York City in the 1980s and became the house pianist for Lake Hickory Country Club and Rock Barn Golf and Spa – a post he held for 20 years

If I Had You
You And I Alone (Frank DiFabio)
Let Me Off Uptown
Lil' Darlin'
My Son (Frank DiFabio)
Lullaby Of Leaves
Darrah (Frank DiFabio)
Sweet And Lovel
Everything Beautiful (Frank DiFabio)
Homeward Bound (Frank DiFabio)

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