Saturday, August 6, 2016

Cool Variations - The Bobby Richards Sextette

Sticks And Stones
Cool Variations
The Bobby Richards Sextette
Cover Design: Burt Portnoy
MVM Mount Vernon Music MVS133

A bit of the "matrix" information on the disc was intentionally obscured. Hand written, but not necessarily meant to take the place of the obscured information, is TLPS- 939A & TLPS-1939B as well as one "impressed or stamped" number TLPS-1939B. Also, from the disk information, the pressing date may be 1961. Seems as though there was some type of issue with this release.

From the back cover: The Bobby Richards Sextette is a group of musicians which have gotten together for the purpose of performing cool music; dance, jazz, Dixieland, smooth or any type of music you care to name. Their repertory is practically limitless and the amazing fact is that all arrangements and music are filed away in their heads; therefore they never use sheet music in a performance. Many, many times they start out on a planned set and end up with a spontaneous, set, for they feel the pulse of the audience and take it from there, performing cool variations.

The arrangements or "spontaneous" nature of the songs do smack of variations or blends of "style" as mentioned in the notes. The fantastic cover design and decent jazz set make for a nice package. MVM is a budget label and my copy, I think sounds less than very good or lacks groove depth which I now associate with cheap production rather than dust or over-play.

Red, White And The Blues
The O S
Sticks And Stones
To A Wild Rose Adelita


  1. I'm trying to understand the cover. She took off all her clothes to play with her stuffed tiger?

  2. The label was formed in 1962, so it can't be release year 1961.


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