Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Exotique - Whittemore & Lowe

White Peacock (transcribed by Whittemore & Lowe)
Whittemore & Lowe
Duo Pianists
Produced by Richard C. Jones
Capitol Records SP 8550

Featuring "exotic" cover art and an intriguing title, Capitol geared this interpretive classical set to "exotica" buyers. The package theme/set is explained on the back cover using historical references to the "Exoticism" movement. Fine mood setting classical transcriptions, but not the "exotica" sound as late 50s/early 60s market understood it.

Maurice Ravel / Prelude To The Night
Cyril Scott / Lotus Land
Claude Debussy / Prelude To The Afternoon Of A Faun
Cesar Cui / Orientale
Charles Tomlinson Griffin / White Peacock
Claude Debussy / Clouds
Sergei Rachmaninoff / Tears
Arnold Bax / The Poisoned Fountain

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