Friday, October 16, 2015

Rock And Roll With Joe Houston

I Woke Up This Morning

Rock And Roll
Joe Houston And His Rockets
Tops L1518

From the back cover: Out of the West Coast rode Joe Houston, WILD MAN OF THE TENOR SAX, on a rock and roll beat that's sent the nation's teen-agers into a stomping' stomping', frenzied panic. In the short span of two years, Houston has catapulted from the ranks of the unknown into a top box-office attraction, and one of the nations most talked-about musicians of the day.

When Joe gets into a solid groove, his tenor sax plays a powerhouse music that literally blow away inhibitions, producing an emotional condition among his rabid listeners that can be mildly described as mass hysteria. Shouting, stomping, whistling, and screaming jazz concert and jazz crowds are whipped into unbelievable excitement by the raw, primitive, rhythmic patterns.

Off Beat
Rock That Boogie
No Name Rock
Joe's Rock
Tall Gal Blues
All Night Long
Movin' And Groovin'
Corn Bread And Cabbage Greens
I Woke Up This Morning
Flying Home
Teen-age Boogie

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