Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sound Ideas - Les And Larry Elgart

Technicolor Dream
Sound Ideas
Les And Larry Elgart And Their Orchestra
Larry Elgart on Alto Sax
CS 8002

From Billboard - April 21, 1958: A standout package in every respect. The army of Elgart fans are bound to take to the brilliant sound, the imaginative new scoring ideas built on the familiar framework of the Elgart style and the smooth, slinky beat to the blowing tunes include "When The Sun Comes Out," "Willie Boy" (updated version of the oldie, "Billy Boy"), and other very smart stuff. Handsome cover photo of a de luxe hi-fi set is framed by instruments and records. Jocks will like this one, too.

The material fills just about 1/2 of each side of the disc. Great big band set for the late 50s with the more "smoky blues sounding" tracks stealing the show. The set is split about evenly between the up-tempo stuff and the moody laid-back tracks. Great engineering.

Willie Boy
When The Sun Comes Out
Vagabond Shoes
I've Got A Crush On You
But Not For Me
The Coffee Song
Lazy Afternoon
I Could write A Book
Technicolor Dream
Alone Together
Light Flight

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