Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Red Stars Over Hollywood Vol. 3 - Expose by Myron Fagan

Red Stars Over Hollywood
Expose By Myron Fagan


  1. Supporter of "the cause" was Tony Hilder, once producer of surf music.

  2. Is there any way to download this?

    1. I'm moving away from divshare and the Flash player. You can try this link:

  3. God is this great. Big fan of Key Records (The John Birch Society) which falls into this realm, but had not heard of this one. Thanks especially for the Dropbox link!
    Glad to hear you are moving your shares, good luck with that, will follow.

  4. There's absolutely nothing 'crazy' about what Mr Fagan exposed, as we are now all witnessing the very unelected world government takeover that he warned about in this and the 1967 Illluminati recording. Its all documented, factual - only 'theory' to those too afraid to look. Mr Fagan may not be known as an artist, but thanks to the internet he is known globally as a brave patriot who stood up for the right thing against a conspiracy so vast most people cannot comprehend its existence.


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