Saturday, April 25, 2015

Pod Mostem - Big Steve And The Bellares

Pod Mostem
Pod Mostem
Big Steve And The Bellares
Rex Records LP 698

From the back cover: A group from Buffalo, N.Y. who have been together for 3 years. They have made many personal appearances in the Pennsylvania area, as well as Chicago and upper N.Y. State. They can be heard frequently at The Chopin Club in Buffalo, along with radio shows.

Pod Mostem Polka
I'm In Love With You Polka
Lucky Stop Waltz
Plynia Woda Polka
Swiedi Miesiac Swieci Oberek
Jailbird Polka
Hunter Polka
Dream Girl
Moja Kochanka
Od Krzaczka Do KrzacZka Waltz
Rosey From Jersey

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