Sunday, December 28, 2014

My Coloring Book

My Coloring Book
Green Onions
My Coloring Book
Modern Sound

From the back cover: Color can mean opportunity or disappointment, but whether you like pink, blue, red, green, or any combination, the secret of life is deeply woven in the colors that surround us. Life itself is a painting of sorts. When we are born we are given a large canvass and a brush, and we are able to paint a picture of our life using the colors we choose, as we go along. Our actions and the influence of other people are sure to appear on this canvas. There are only a few basic colors that we can use; it's the blending that actually makes the picture.

My Coloring Book
Blue Velvet
Blue On Blue
18 Yellow Roses
Little Band Of Gold
Green Onions
Roses Are Red
Rambling Rose
Ruby Baby
Take A Letter Miss Gray

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