Friday, November 21, 2014

Viva Kenton!

Mexican Jumping Bean
Viva Kenton!
Exciting Latin Rhythms With The Kenton Touch
Produced by Lee Gillette
Capitol Records
SW 1305

Piano: Stan Kenton
Saxes: Jone Bonnie, Marvin Hollady, Chuck Mariano, Jack Nimitz and Bill Trujilo
Trumpets: Bud Brisbois, Bill Chase, Rolf Ericson, Roger Middleton and Dalton Smith
Trombones: Jim Amlotte, Bob Knight, Kent Larsen, Archie LeCoque and Don Sebesky
Bass: Pete Chivily
Drums: Jimmy Campbell
Percussion: Tommy Lopez, Mike Pacheco and William Rodriguez

From the back cover: In this album, both standards and originals by Gene Roland are presented in the colorful Latin tempos that the band plays for dancers. The outstanding arrangements by Gene Roland offer a deft, tropical approach to the traditional Kenton sound.

From February 15, 1960 Billboard: Kenton serves up some exciting, swinging ork treatments of Latin standards and originals – all tasteful, stirring Latin tempos. Line-up includes "Adio" "Artistry In Rhythm," (Kenton's theme), "Mexican Jumping Bean," etc. Fine Sound.

Mexican Jumping Bean
Cha Cha Sombrero
Chocolate Caliente
Aqua Marine
Opus In Chartreuse Cha Cha Cha
Cha Cha Chee Boom
Mission Trail
Artistry In Rhythm

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