Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Diane - Bo Rhambo

Bo Rhambo
Imperial LP-12088

From the back cover: Like his music, Bo Rhambo is a natural musician. He plays tenor saxophone and trumpet, self-taught on both instruments. In fact, Bo taught himself to read, write, and arrange music before he ever started playing a horn. Born in Austin, Texas, Bo grew up with an interest in music. He couldn't afford music lessons, so he took to learning it himself. He learned so well that when he bought his first instrument, a trumpet, during his first year of college, it was only a scant three months before he was playing in the college band. Five months after he started playing trumpet, he organized his first band, made up of fellow students, and played local dances and parties. In between, he taught music in the surrounding small towns. Three years later, when his tenor man failed to show for a dance, Bo filled in on tenor, liked the instrument, and has played it ever since. He has headed his own band off and on for the past eighteen years, although in recent years he has chosen to work with a trio.

In this album you'll hear the work of Bo Rhambo, trumpeter, and Bo Rhambo, saxophonist. He vacillates between the two horns, depending on the particular mood of the tune, and sometimes plays both during one song. Complementing Bo like another right arm is Teddy Wood's organ and piano. Wood's feel for the ballad is poignant, tasteful, and with much feeling. Laying down the beat on the drums in Bobby Pittman. At no time do you get the feeling that these three men walked into a recording studio just to do a job. Rather, you feel as if they are sitting in the next room playing for theirs and your enjoyment. But that's the way Bo Rhambo planned it.

Indian Love Call
Blues For The Doll
Lost In A Day Dream
Move It On Out
Jump Time
Bo's Blues
Blue Mist

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