Monday, June 9, 2014

George Symonette

Bimini Gal
George Symonette And His Goombay Sextette
Bahama Records LTD.
BR 34

From the back cover: The Dean of Bahamian Entertainers, Genial George Symonette finds it more convenient to sit sideways while accompanying himself at the piano. He plays and sings because he enjoys doing so and his natural humor and joi de vivre sparkle in his performance.

While formerly catering only to night club patrons George Symonette has now responded to the demands of a wider audience and is a familiar part of the Bay Street scene during the lunch hour as well as in the evening.

He is frequently accompanied by Berkeley "Peanuts" Taylor on Bongos and drums and the two entertainers have appeared together on several television programs, notably Today and Tonight.

One of the songs on this album, "Princess Margaret Jones" written by Marjorie Noble who is a winter resident of Nassau, bids fair to equal in popularity in the Duke Of Windsor song, "Love Alone".

Four other numbers, written by Alice Simms of New York are introduced for the first time in this album. They are Don't Tell On Me, Bikini Baby, Hip-so Calypso and Time But No Money

Don't Tell On Me
Bimini Gal
Never Interfere With Man And Wife
Mamma Loves Tea
Hip-So Calypso
Jamaica Farewell
Come Back Liza
Bikini Baby
Pretty Boy
Princess Margaret Jones
Time But No Money
Yellow Bird

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