Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dick Schory - Carnegie Hall

Dick Schory
Carnegie Hall
Produced by Dick Schory
Engineer & Technical Director: Ron Steele
Dick Schory features Ludwig "Total Percussion"
Ovation Records

An amazing 2 record live program filled with a variety of big band, period pop sounds, jazz and more "experimental" approaches as heard in the sample above. The engineering is outstanding.

From the inside cover: Ever since 1958 when Dick Schory crawled out from under the pile of percussion equipment that adorned the cover of an album called "Bang, Barroom and Harp" he has constantly strived to make drumming into a musical art second to none.

A note about the engineering from the inside cover: Back in Chicago, the 16 track master was carefully dubbed down to make the Audio Print. The sounds of Carnegie Hall were reproduced on two track tape, using pan pots on each channel output to "place" the channel exactly where it had been during the concert. The orchestra bells just to the left of the conductor at the concert were electronically placed just to the left in the stereo spectrum. The result is as though one were sitting 5th row center at Carnegie Hall.

Also from the jacket notes: Now, the pivot point of the concert… Futura, a concerto for 4 Phase II Synthesizer and Orchestra. Another Premiere performance of not only a new and unique composition but also the debut of the world's first synthesized orchestra. Here is a composition conceived by Schory and composed by Art Lauer, that pioneers the cutting edge of today's music scene. The new Phase II is utilized with electric guitar, amplified flute, clarinet and harpsichord which at times blend with or oppose the acoustical instruments of the orchestra.

Music For A Carnival
The Dream Carousel
Come Bach With Me
Jungle Root
Riots Of Spring
Sunset Bell
Scarborough Fair
Mission Impossible
Gentle Rain
Futura for 4 Phase II Synthesizers and Orchestra
Concerto For Jazz Drums and Orchestra
Maxwell's Silve Hammer

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