Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Street Scene - Jay White

Harlem Nocturne
Street Scene
Jay White
Somerset P-7200

From the back cover: Jay White's rendition of "Laura" was perviously release on a 78 rpm record back to back as part 1 and part 2.

This single record by Jay created a tremendous demand for more sides in LP form.

It may be of interest to make mention of the fact that "Laura" was recorded using only on telefunken 201 microphone suspended over the band. We feel the result was not only that of great balanced recording, but also a very interesting study of room conditions in recording. The dynamic brilliance of each section in the band certainly gives credit to Morty Crafts great arrangement of "Laura".

Jay is recognized as one of the leading Alto men in the country. His tone and control may be compared to that of Freddy Gardner – famed British Saxophonist who passed away a few years ago.

Laura – Part I
Laura – Part II
On The Trail
Tosselli's Serenade
Claire De Lune
Deep Purple
Street Scene
Harlem Nocturne
Over The Rainbow
Paris In The Spring
Sleepy Lagoon

1 comment:

  1. For all - see my blog -
    and listen this LP


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