Thursday, March 27, 2014

Annotations Of The Muses - Johnny RIchards

Part 1
Annotations Of The Muses
(Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, Urania)
Composed and Conducted by Johnny Richards
Legende LP 1401
Manufactured by Roost Records - New York, N.Y.

10 inch 33 featuring dramatic cover art and a moody blending of jazz and "serious music".

Featuring Johnny Smith - guitar, Julius Baker - flute, Robert Bloom - oboe, Vincent J. Abato - clarinet, Harold P. Goltzer - basson, John R. Barrows - french horn, Joe Wilder - trumpet, Jack Lesbery - bass, Saul Gubin - timpani and drums.

From the back cover: There has been much talk in recent years about the close relastionship between jazz and what is usually called classical music (or sometimes "serious music", as if jazz musicians were kidding). They're coming closer and closer together, this talk usually goes. It's getting so you can't tell where one leaves off and the other begins, somebody says – wistfully, as if it where sinful or something to be ashamed of. And then somebody else – me, if I'm part of this familiar conversation – asks what all the sad words are about; why such viewing with alarm; why the dissatisfaction; it's music, isn't it?

– Barry Ulanov, Down Beat columnist, former editor of Metronome, author of A History of Jazz in America.

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