Thursday, February 27, 2014

Listening To Larry - Larry Fotine

Listening To Larry
Larry Fotine And His Orchestra
Bel Canto SR/1005

Originally priced by Bel Canto at $5.95, I paid little more than that at one of my record store stops to collect the sophisticated cheesecake art and blue vinyl disc. After reading the jacket notes, I was afraid that the tracks would sound too "Lawrence Welk". Yes… the music is "old fashion" sounding" compared to the slick period marketing vibe of the packaging. Tracks are available at your usual online outlets, so I will not be posting a sample here.

From the back cover: Who was behind the scenes of Lawrence Welk's spectacular rise to success out there in Television-Land? One of the names that has to go on the list is Larry Fotine's, who arranged for Welk from 1955 until 1957, when Lick Pier has no peer as a magnet for the millions who hunger for music to dance by. In this album, Larry Fotine and his Golden Thirteen give you an even dozen all-time favorites, including a smattering of Fotine's original compositions.

Almost Square
Heavenly Thing
Take And Option On You
The Breeze
Sleepy Time Gal
I Couldn't Say Goodbye
Bye Bye Blues
Snuggle On Your Shoulder
Say You're Mine Again
At Sundown
Soft Lights
Little Bird

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