Thursday, December 19, 2013

Illesek Es Pofonok

Ad Man
Illesek Es Pofonok
No. 3
Illes LPX 17398
Qualiton Felvetel
Made in Hungary

The jacket is an expensive to produce, soft paper stock, book-fold featuring a simple, but seldom seen interior popup art treatment the repeats the graphic-look of the cover. Song titles are bilingual.

Nice variety, a blend of psych/pop/eastern sounds.

We Are Here Again
It Could Have Been
The Bowling Ball
At Night, I Remember
The Story Of M
Answering Your Letters
I'm Searching For The Words
Promise Me
It's Waiting For You
Ad Man
Oh, Little Girl
Hot Rolled Street
I'am Lazy
Two Years Are Not Very Long
I Don't Want To Stay


  1. Hello Mark! I'm Hungarian Collector. The Beat Group Illes Was Very Famous In Hungary In The 60's Years. Members: Levente Szorenyi, Szabolcs Szorenyi, Janos Brody, Zoltan Pasztory(dead), And Band-leader Lajos Illes(dead). I Really Like Songs From Illes Band Beat Era From Middle 60's. Greetings From Hungary! Mr. Jukebox.

    1. Howdy Mr. Jukebox! Thanks for the info! Have a great weekend and hope to hear from you again! Mark


Howdy! Thanks for leaving your thoughts!