Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Alley Cats Presents Music For Listening

The Alley Cats Presents Music For Listening

From the back cover: The Alley Cat Band was founded as an experiment with the trainable mentally retarded. It was the outgrowth of a desire to provide a socially stimulating activity that all who wanted could participate in and at the same time disprove a concept that certain categories of the trainable mentally retorted could not be trained musically. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first Band of its kind in the Country of trainable retardates.

The Band is an activity of the Workshops, Incorporated, Birmingham, Alabama, a facility for the rehabilitation, training and employment of the physically, mentally and emotionally handicapped.

Alley Cat
Carolina In The Morning
San Antonio Rose
Sioux City Sue
Tennessee Waltz
Melancholy Baby
Rambling Rose
Cheating Heart
Medley - Million Dollar Baby, Lazy River and Coconut Grove
Lonesome Me

1 comment:

  1. I have seen them perform and practice several times and they are for real and I notIced they took the band very very seriously.

    Mike Madden


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