Monday, April 22, 2013

Middle East Goes Modern - Eddie Adamis

Nahr Beyrouth
Middle East Goes Modern
Exotic Middle Eastern Music Performed In A Modern Manner
By The Big Eddie Adamis
Philips PHM 200-066

From the back cover: Eddie Adamis comes as no stranger to musical and spiritual contrasts. Born in tradition-filled Beirut, Lebanon, he has spent much of his life in free wheeling Paris, the crossroads of a changing way of life. Through the years, he has become fluent in six different languages (French, English, Greek, Arabic, Italian and Turkish) and more important in a wide variety of exotic music, most of which he has taught himself. He is worldly enough to have composed musical shows for Paris nightclubs every American tourist knows – Moulin Rouge, the Lido, la Nouvelle Eve, le Drap d'Or les Folies Pigalle, and Eve. Still he has maintained hold of his Middle Eastern antecedents by keeping at least one ear attuned to this primitive, yet cosmopolitan part of the globe.

Nice "modernist" cover design featured on this 1963 jacket.

The cover art reflects the vibe of the smooth, clean orchestrated "western influenced" light pop space age music.

Laya Hamed
Souk El Gharb
Ouzzi Away Oul
Ah Ya Zein
Bab Edriss
Baladi Ya Baladi
Al Hinna
El Mouled
Hekayet Hob
Lour Lebnane
Nahr Beyrouth

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