Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What's New? - Teo Marceo And Bob Prince

Sounds Of May
Avakianas Brasileiras
What's New?
New Jazz From Teo Macero And Bob Prince
Columbia CL 842

This LP is split album between Macero and Prince. The intriguing cover art drew me to this album. Sometimes I get lucky when I buy on impulse. This was one of those times when I score something obscure and awesome.

This recording is an avant grade jazz journey through, what strikes me, as a gritty 50s black and white movie crime drama. The record is cool, dramatic, swinging, and just when you get comfortable, unpredictable. The two approaches (sides) compliment each other.

From the back cover: Sounds Of May is an experiment on my part to see what could be done with combining many Palestrina-like vocal lines, overtones of the piano, jazz ensembles (both small and large), changing the speed of the original tape (regular to half-speed, and then combining the half-speed copy with the original track), and finally overdubbing a single alto saxophone line to most of the composition.

Also from the back cover: Avakianas Brasileiras is a free composition, written in two parts connected by a dissonant harmonic and melodic foundation of minor seconds. The shorter first section, written for trumpets and clarinet and bass clarinet solos, in linear and somber in contrast to the choppy rhythmic second section.

Teo Macero - Side One

Heart On My Sleeve
24+ 18+
T.C.'s Groove
Sounds Of May

Bob Prince - Side Two

Fanfare And Fantasy
Ground Base
Avakianas Brasileriras

1 comment:

  1. Looks interesting - from two prominent Columbia Records producers. It would seem that Avakianas Brasilieras was named for a third Columbia record producer - George Avakian. I've gotta hear this!

    Thank you, Mark for sharing.

    - der bajazzo


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