Saturday, February 23, 2013

Mallets Melody & Mayhem - Saul Goodman

Night Music For Percussion
Mallets Melody & Mayhem
The Exciting Percussion World Of Saul Goodman
Columbia CL1533

From the back cover: The Saul Goodman Percussion Ensemble in addition to Mr. Goodman, includes Walter Rosenberger, Elden (Buster) Bailey and Morris Lang. In this recording, Ronald Gould and Herbert Harris assisted as guest members. Mr. Goodman, who composed many of the works in this collection, is the author of A Modern Method For Tympani, and his pioneering work in percussive music has included the invention of a tuning device which is now used extensively around the world.

Perhaps this album was made to introduce professional percussionists to new approaches. The album, to my ear, is not a pop album as the cover may suggest. The approach is to blend concept, pop and even classical to create, for the most part, a dramatic listen.

Scherzo For Percussion
Theme And Variations
Night Music For Percussion
Re: Percussion
Ballet For The Dance
Music For Percussion
The Worried Drummer
Canon For Percussion
Percussion Melee
Hora Staccato


  1. I thought I'd learned a lot about Space Age Pop, but I've never even imagined anything like this collection. Thanks so much for your kindness and generosity. I have grabbed quite a few wonderful tunes, and I'd like to thank you for each and every one. All good wishes,


  2. Great share. Any chance for more tracks from this LP gem?


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