Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sounds Of Percussion - West York Area High School

Canonic Sonata in A Major
Mancini Overture
Sound Of Percussion
West York Area High School Percussion Ensemble
Alan Wyand - Director
Dick Schory - Guest Conductor
Joe Morello - Guest Soloist
Frank Taylor Sound Service - Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Cover design and printing furnished by the Graphics Arts Department of the West York Area High School - Jere R. Rentzel, Instructor

I enjoy percussion albums, but what drew my attention to this one was the involvement of Dick Schory and Joe Morello, two known and respected space age musicians.

From the back cover: The group has also sponsored three annual "Days Of Percussion" featuring clinics, displays, and concerts with such nationally known guest artists as Dick Schory, Frank Arsenault, Duane Thamm, and Joe Morello.

This was a serious high school effort. Enjoy a few samples from this historical curiosity.


  1. I was a french hornist in the band from 1964 to 1969 and we had a great time meeting and playing with these terrific musicians. We were a talented group of kids. I was in 8th grade when we recorded this album with Joe Morello and Dick Schory. Pretty good for a group of kids. Randy Fahs

  2. I was in the percussion ensemble at that time. Remember Alan Wyand somehow maneuvered to get Dave Brubeck to play in our small auditorium at West York high School.

  3. I designed the album cover and printed it with my students. Alan Wyand continued to give our department interesting jobs to do for his kids. It was a pleasure working with him. Thanks for digging this prize out of the attic!


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