Tuesday, December 11, 2012

String Quartet - Kirchner & Weinberg

For String & Electronic Tape

String Quartet No. 3
For Strings & Electronic Tape
Beaux - Art Quartet

String Quartet No. 2
The Composers Quartet

Engineering: Fred Plaut, John Guerriere and Raymond Moore
Cover Design: Lloyd Ziff / Sphere by Robert Bart, from the Sculpture Garden of the Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, Conn.
Cover Photo: Robin Forbes
Columbia MS 7284

From the back cover: Leon Kirchner's Quartet No. 3 and Henry Weinberg's Quartet No. 2 occupy distinctly dissimilar positions in the contemporary musical spectrum. Kirchner's music is essentially concerned with gesture – the broad sweep of melodic line, the dramatic use of dissonance and silence. Weinberg's emphasis is on method, and it may accurately he said that the method is the material in his work. Kirchner's Quartet employs electronic sounds and contains aural and formal complexities, yet its statements are quickly perceived and grasped by the sophisticated ear.

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