Friday, November 23, 2012

Samba So! - Walter Wanderly

Sad Samba
Samba So!
Walter Wanderly
World Pacific
Division of Liberty Records

Here's another fab Walter Wanderly album. Also check out Murmurio and Brazilian Blend.

Recorded live in Brazil by Fermata Productions.

This is the kind of record you can put on the table and go about cleaning the house... while doing the Samba. The music is light, bouncy and doesn't require your complete attention. Of course... I can clean my house to Karlheinz Stockhausen... but I won't be doing the Samba...

Jet Samba
Morning Samba
Prelude Samba
Samba Of My Town
Only Samba
Beggar's Samba
Samba In Japan
Samba De Bossa
New Samba
One Note Samba
Brazilian Samba
Sad Samba

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