Sunday, November 25, 2012

Love Is Blue - Manny Kellem

And I Love Her
Here, There And Everywhere
Love Is Blue
Manny Kellem His Orchestra
Produced by Manny Kellem
Arranged and Conducted by Al Gorgoni
Epic 26367

From the back cover: The blend is perky, tempting. Stimulating. The sound is sensitive, adroit. Instant personality. It creates a period atmosphere – the distinct period atmosphere of Now, Today.

Adroit! The word that was on the tip of listener's tongues in 1968.

Enjoy the super easy Beatles covers!

The teens are tuned to it. The over-thirtyers are tingling with it.


  1. Did any young people listen to this stuff?


    Maybe Richie Rich grooved on it in his private lavatory at Scooby Doo Elementary school.

    1. Aging copywriters attempted to make you think the youth crowd was interested.

  2. My grandmother's record collection included a Zenith lp by Columbia Special Products. Encore volume 7 or 8 The Great Hits in Chorus. And I Love Her was on this album from the late 60s.

  3. This album was one of my all time favorites. I must have worn out at least two copies before I learned how to care for records. Now I am living overseas in SE Asia and cannot find anywhere to purchase or download it. Any suggestions anyone ?



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