Saturday, October 13, 2012

Music To Knit By - Arnold Eidus

Over The Rainbow
Music To Knit By
Played By The Golden Strings
Arnold Eidus Violin Soloist And Director
Kapp Records - KL 1037

From October 13, 1956 Billboard: Music for "infanticipating" – music for perhaps the most tender, meaningful period of life – is the theme of this package. The Golden Strings, with Arnold Eidus as conductor, arranger and violin soloist, play the selections with special tenderness as befits the mood. Album's cover pictures a young mother knitting baby clothes. One of the more thoughtful packages of mood music.

Over The Rainbow
Danny Boy
Little Sir Echo
Won't You Come Over To My House
Daddy's Little Boy
Little Lady Make Believe
Jeanne With The Light Brown Hair
Daddy's Little Girl
Dear Little Boy Of Mine
Might 'Lak A Rose

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! I wish I had that LP in my collection (more for the cover than the music but that's ok).


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