Friday, July 27, 2012

The Groovy Organ Goes Romantic - Maurice Montez

That Old Black Magic
The Groovy Organ Goes Romantic
Featuring Maurice Montez
Design Records

The word "romantic" in the album title doesn't necessarily mean "boring". This is great small combo organ based lounge jazz record. And the album cover features a very groovy looking organ that is credited as a Panther Jazz Organ Courtesy Of Merson/Unicard.


  1. The organ is a wonderful instrument, however by itself it can be pretty boring. However when the organ has some backing instruments it can be quite entertaining. I love cheese cake covers like these, I guess that's why I enjoy collecting these sort of albums.

  2. Where can I download this album??

  3. From where can I download this album? Thanks!

  4. I have a vinyl copy. I could upload it somewhere.


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