Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Young Folk '72

Ticket To Ride
The Young Folk '72
Edmar Records ELPS 1114
Distributed in Bermuda by Harrington Hundreds, Bermuda
Distributed by Caravan Records Sales LTD. Albert, ONT.

From the back cover: The leader of The Young Folk is Gary Simons, he is also an accomplished songwriter having written four selections on this L.P. The group have only been together for one year and things are beginning to happen for them.

Simons age is listed as 17 on the back cover. Group member ages range from 15 to 19.

The album came with a Caravan marketing flyer featuring the Edmar catalog of island flavored acts. It's hard to fathom how The Young Folk fit into the Edmar family of recording artists.

One sample track above, Purple, was written by Simons.

Catch The Wind
California Dreaming
Ticket To Ride
Until It's Time For You To Go
He's Everything To Me
Drummer Boy
My Home Town


  1. Peace Luteran Pax house rocked! God bless us all xo Judy Johnson, Colo Spgs CO

  2. God Bless all of us from Peace Luteran Paxhouse. Those were the days! Judy Johnson of Co Spgs, Co

  3. I love u all Judy Johnson of Co Spgs, Co Go Pax House!

  4. Thanks for archiving this LP. I admired Gary and Debi Simons, Rodney Roberts,Tricia Roberts.,the Millers, and thought Rene had beautiful harmony. Had so much fun singing with Cathy Belvedere, JJ Outerbridge, and Gary Ratteray during Up with People concert downtown Bda and on Whites Island overnight church trip God bless us all judy johnson of co spgs co

  5. I went to school with the Millers in Bermuda on the US Naval Air station. I would love to know where they are now and what has become of them. I have the album and play it now and then

  6. My mother is on this album! I have multiple copies of it. My mother’s mame is Mary Miller/Carlson. If you would like to know more about the Millers, I would love to catchup!

    1. I WOULD like to know more about the Miller's. Also more about how the song Connie came about. I'd heard they had a sister( Connie) that was pregnant and passed through an accident. God bless her and the Miller's. Would also like to know what's new w/ Gary and Debi Simon. R they stil entertaining? What's new w/ Rodney and Tricia Roberts? Cathy Chiappa Belvedere? Bermuda in general? Peace Lutheran?Loved those folks!

  7. What's new w/ the Millers? The Roberts family? Cathy Chiappa Belvedere? Gary and Debi Simons? Bermuda? Love u all and miss spending the early 70's w/ you! Peace Lutheran ROCKED!!!!

  8. Ashlee, my name is Ken Norgard. Please contact me at
    Best Regards,

  9. Ashlee, I forgot to mention that I am the one who said I went to school with members of your family. Your uncle Mark is my age. My older sister Ines was closer in age to your mother.


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