Thursday, May 10, 2012

Summer '73

The Right Thing To Do
Ain't No Woman Like The One I Got
Rocky Mountain High
Summer '73
Recorded By The Sound Effects
QMO 117

Yes, here's another fine 2 Record set of 20 tracks by studio musicians that strain to achieve the "perfect" cover of your favorite tunes from the summer of 1973.


  1. The first two sound pretty good, if uninspired. The cover of "Rocky Mountain High" just made me want to make this comment and hit the ejector button. Also, robots.

  2. Woolworth's used to sell these kind of records. By the ton.

    1. You might be thinking of the K-Tel and Ronco LPS, which actually were the "original hits by original artists," though edited to about 2 minutes each to get 20 tracks on one LP. These "Summer" albums (71, 72, 73, etc.) were sold by mail order thru TV stations, who would get a "piece of the action" on each disc sold in lieu of payment for commercial time. The spots would run in whatever time slots the station couldn't sell.

  3. My mother bought this album for me as soon as it was advertised on TV. Absolutely loved it.


Howdy! Thanks for leaving your thoughts!