Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Pleasures Of Love

The Pleasures Of Love
Life Workshop
Ulysses Music Group Corp.

This has to be the best "sex instruction" record I've found to date. The package is an elaborate, expensive to produce 2 record book-fold which was stuffed with a booklet that features a collection of soft and somewhat dark-looking R-rated porn images that included a photo of the guy inspecting the woman, up close... with a flashlight. I kid you not... The image is a little too racy for posting on this blog.

These recordings have their moments but I about had an orgasm myself when I realized that the record included an actual song, "The Pleasures Of Love". A tune that sounds as if it was created for a 70s spy movie soundtrack.

The spoken passages are fun because they are, as you can tell from the sample, written for 70s soft-core female sensibilities.

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