Monday, March 19, 2012

Melodies Of Japan - Johnny Gregory

Melodies Of Japan
Played In A Modern Manner By Johnny Gregory And His Orchestra
Fontana MGF 27522

I looked for this record after I found an album by "Chaquito". Chaquito turned out to be a versatile English arranger and conductor, Johnny Gregory, who made a by number of good Latin-style albums. Check out Hot Cha Cha Cha

I was expecting more or something different from this set having read online that the vibe was lounge or exotica (Denny/Lyman). To my ears, the album is split between almost straight easy listening and about 4 or 5 nice space age lounge tracks. Pleasant overall and the last track on the B side most grabbed my attention with it's groovy intro and laid back jazzy approach.

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