Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Gently Swingin' - Earl Grant

Gently Swingin'
Earl Grant
Decca Records DL 74937

This album seems like a rush job for Decca. Many tracks are total lounge in nature and play almost as if Grant and the band didn't have the time to practice as a group.

Other tracks, including the one advertised on the jacket, Alfie, play as if they were recorded for another project.

None-the-less, in the mix, you get a few good Grant covers, the fun cheesecake cover and lounge tracks that dish up a nice 60s vibe.


  1. This is "Sunny", not "Walk On By". Nice anyway, though. Thanks.

  2. I'd like to find/hear a song of this LP called The eyes of Love, by Quincy Jones. How do I find it? If u can, pls, help me.Tyvm.


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