Monday, January 9, 2012

Nuclear War 1984? - Robin Armstrong

The Signs Of The Zodiac Interpreted
Robin Armstrong - Professional Astrologer
Narration And Spoken Word Concept David Marsden
Synthesizer Realization - John Mills-Cockell
Kangi Records - Willowdale, Ontario

This album features a lurid cover and promises to "shock"... but the pressing is screwed up. If it wasn't for what appears to be the correct label on the record I would have thought the wrong LP was in the jacket. What Kangi appears to have done is to press the "A" side twice...

Unfortunately, the A side is some boring description of the Zodiac Signs and NOT the rant about the Nuclear War expected in 1984.

Apparently Armstrong failed to predict that his own record was going to be totally f**ked up... and further more... failed to marshall the forces of The Zodiac to force Kangi to repress the run!

Lovely photo on the back cover is still worth the price of admission.


  1. I have this record! A priceless gift from my friend DJ Moonstarr. I used to play it often on my radio shows. My copy is the proper pressing with the Nuclear War in 1984 on side B - and not just nuclear war, but volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. A lot was supposed to happen between 1982 and 1984 according to Armstrong - or did it happen and we just had the wool pulled over our eyes? A classic recording for the ages.

  2. I still have a copy of this record in my collection. The background "realization", provided by Syrinx alumnus John Mills-Cockell (another great LP to add to your collection, BTW) provided more than enough entertainment to justify listening to both sides of the album. My mother bought it for me thinking that it was a comedy record. She doesn't realize how close to the truth she was!!!!


Howdy! Thanks for leaving your thoughts!