Friday, December 23, 2011

Stimulus Progression - Muzak

Baretta's Theme
Stimulus Progression
Specialists In The Physiological And Psychological Applications Of Music

Just in time for last moment holiday shopping. Do you feel the progressive urge to consume? Off to ebay with you!

From the back cover: The result (of the Stimulus Progression) is a sense of forward movement and change, designed to mitigate tension, boredom, melancholy and fatigue.

1 comment:

  1. Actual records of Muzak are rare because Muzak's proprietary arrangements are for customer use only, but demo records do exist, as do 16" and 16 rpm discs released for store use. Usually Muzak was disbursed to retailers or large office buildings either on slow speed open reel tapes or by SCA broadcast via FM stations. Now it is satellite, or over the internet and cached on hard drives.

    SCA is very fascinating. Unfortunately the only use for it any more is audio books for the blind and obscure foreign language content distribution. At my house I listen to the audio reader servce occasionally. It can be unintentionally hilarious.


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