Friday, December 23, 2011

Paradise Islands Song Of Hawaii - The Ray Charles Singers

The Cocoanut Wireless
Paradise Islands Song Of Hawaii
The Ray Charles Singers
Originated and produced by Enoch Light
Art Direction - Charles E. Murphy
Command RS 845 SD

Light and easy pop album featuring another great Command minimalist cover design.


  1. As Liberace once said, "They don't make 'em like that anymore. Thank God!" Lee was just kidding. And so am I. I love this little song. Thank You for making it available. I bought this album [4-Track (((STEREO))) Tape] when I was stationed at Cubi Point Naval Air Station in The Philippines back in 1966. Please post some more from this album by The Other Ray Charles, as Ray likes to be billed.

  2. I vaguely remember this from my childhood in the SF Bay Area, but don't remember the context. Wonderfully surreal. Thanks for sharing. I wasn't entirely sure I hadn't imagined this song.

  3. B&S Denver We remember this and others from the album from above. Our dad was an engineer in Germany in the early to mid 60s who was a stereo audiophile and these albums always were recorded in what was perceived as very separated and distinct stereo channels.Still sounds rhat way now.

  4. B&S Denver We remember this and others from the album from above. Our dad was an engineer in Germany in the early to mid 60s who was a stereo audiophile and these albums always were recorded in what was perceived as very separated and distinct stereo channels.Still sounds rhat way now.


Howdy! Thanks for leaving your thoughts!