Sunday, November 6, 2011

Brazilian Blend - Walter Wanderly

Counting Stars

Brazilian Blend
Walter Wanderley
Brazil's No. 1 Organist
Philips PHS 600-227

Red Roses For A Blue Lady - Rosas Vermelhas Para Dama Azul
The World - II Mondo
Forget Domani - Esqueca Domani
Medley: Charade, Just For Tonight, Somente, Charada, Somente Para Esta Noite
The Lonely One - Bicho Do Mato
Medley: It's So Sad In Venice, My Darling - Que Crest Triste Venice, Ma Vie
I'll Do The Samba With You - Vou De Sambe Come Voce
Go-Go Theme - Terna Do Vava
White Ball - Bolo Branca
Counting Stars - Contend Estrella's

1 comment:

  1. where i can find for dowlonad. im dying for the album


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