Saturday, August 20, 2011

Lure Of Paradise - Andre Kostelanetz

Lure Of Paradise
Andre Kostelanetz
Columbia CL 1335

From Billboard September 7, 1959: Andre Kostelanetz. Born in St. Petersburg, Russia, Mr. Kotlelanetz arrived in the U.S. when he was 21 and found employment in this country as an accompanist and coach for singers of the Metropolitan Opera. Since 1940, the well-known conductor-composer, has recorded exclusively for Columbia Records. Two of his albums, Strauss Waltzes and Lure Of Paradise are part of Columbia's Fall Festival of new releases.

Aloha Oe
Song Of The Islands
Sweet Leilani
On The Beach At Waikiki
Hawaiian War Chant
My Honolulu Tomboy
Gates Of Heaven (Traditional Japanese Court Ceremonial)
The Moon Of Manakoora
Kashmiri Song
Lotus Land
We Kiss In A Shadow
Now Is The Hour

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