Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tennessee Guitars... Go To The Movies

Star Wars
Romeo And Juliet
Tennessee Guitars
Goes To The Movies
Plantation Records PLP-540

I've found a few colored vinyl records in sealed jackets over the past year as if someone had acquired and was selling the NOS from "Plantation Records". In this case, this record looks like a private press for the "father/son" concern of Al Singleton (Sound Studios) and Shelby S. Singleton, Jr (produced by).

Curiously, The sleeve features LPs from The Plantation catalog on one side and The Sun label on the reverse side (yes, that Sun label). The companies share the same mailing address.

The covers of the three records that I've blogged to date are pretty garish (which, of course, is why I bought them). I can see these records being marketed at truck stops in the late 70s.

This isn't a "disco" album, although you wouldn't know if from the lead track, Star Wars. The sound is all over the place. Also, it sounds like "guitars" was one guy who traded off between several guitars and a lap steel.

These records are pretty amazing and hard to define art. Check out Tennessee Saturday Night Fever and An Evening With Chopin.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, a GREAT cover and green vinyl to boot! NICE one!


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