Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sounds Terrific - The Chorus And Percussion Of Keith Textor

The Wind And The Rain In Your Hair
Sounds Terrific
The Chorus And Percussion Of Keith Textor
The Sound Your Eyes Can Follow
Produced by George Avakian and Victor Sack
Recorded in Webster Hall, New York City
Cover Photo: Scotty Sapiro
Stereo Action
RCA Victor LSA-2365 (2 cover/die cut variations)

From the disk sleeve: Keith Textor and Stereo Action (RCA Victor's exciting concept in stereophonic sound) were made for each other. Both have years of solid practical experience behind them which makes possible the flexibility required by the latest in sound reproduction equipment.

Keith Textor is a classically trained musician who organized a vocal group called The Honey Dreamers after his discharge from the Navy. The group was based in Chicago and appeared frequently on NBC.s Dave Garroway television show, playing a solid year at the Hotel Sherman's College Inn before moving on to New York and the cast of the Kay Kyser TV show.

He left the group at that time, worked for almost four years with Fred Waring as a featured performer, then joined Max Liebman's "Show of Shows." Since then, he has concentrated on composing and arranging for vocal groups of varying sizes. Some of his work has been for the radio and TV commercials of national products – most notably L&M cigarettes. But much of his energy has been directed toward records and television.

This record is a tour de force for his various talents. The almost visual aspects of Stereo Action call for a musician who can think in terms of stage production, of presenting a choreography of sound across the wall of your living room, from speaker to speaker. And Keith Textor does just that, moving voices, orchestra and sound effects like precision drill teams is an exciting display of virtuosity which enhances the musical value of the excellent songs which he has chosen.

Engineer Bob Simpson decided that the singers would sound fuller and he helped by having them face each other as they sang. The four boys were placed in a line facing the four girls, and each group had its own 47 Telefunken unidirectional mike. Each group was recorded on its own channel.

The musicians changed basic channel position frequently. Percussion was miked with an RCA 10,001. The woodwind player had an RCA 77DX. The tiny brass section – one trombone and one trumpet – also was miked with an RCA 77DX. The drummer drew an RCA BK5, the guitarist an Electro-Voice mike, and the bass player a 77DX.

Simpson felt, as his tape began to roll, that the studio arrangement and the choices of mikes was the most flexible possible. When those tapes arrived at Rerecording 5, the studio where Stereo Action is created, Engineer Dick Gardner had plenty of material to work with. Thanks to advance planning by Textor, Simpson, and the producers, it was possible to perform such improbable feats as (and you can hear this frequently, in many combinations, throughout the album) moving the boys' and girls' voices against each other, crossing some instruments at the same time, holding others in place, and moving the rest of the band at a pace and direction quite independent of everything else. How was this done? Ah-top secret!

From Billboard - May 29, 1961: In a brief period of several months, RCA Victor has successfully established its line of Stereo Action albums. It is known that each of the first four packages which were released during February and March sold about 35,000. Variations up or down from this figure were not more than 10 per cent. The first four packages were Marty Gold's "It Magic," Ray Martin's Dynamics," Dick Addeo's "The Music Goes Round and Round." Two subsequent Stereo Action albums, released in May, also give indications of being solid sellers. These packages are Keith Textor's "Sound Terrific" and Vic Schoen's Brass Laced With Strings."

According to Bob Yorke, division vice-president, Commercial Records Creation Department, the schedule of Stereo Action releases is being stepped up. Initially, eight were planned for this year, Yorke now plans a total of 15 for 1961. Next two upcoming are "Crazy Rhythm," by Guitar's Unlimited Plus 7, and "Future," by Bernie Green.

Music In Action

The Stereo Action line was RCA Victor's concept of "Music In Motion" and entails of "Music In Motion" and entails a deliberate effort to move the sound of instruments or voices from speaker to speaker to suspend the sound between speakers, etc. The packaging is de luxe, with detailed notes on studio equipment and a track-by-track breakdown of the music.

According to Yorke, the line caught on at the dealer and consumer level. There had been no mass exposure via radio; in fact, radio play was generally on monaural equipment. Similarly, no consumer advertising had been scheduled until this month. "It just filled a vacuum." Yorke remarked, and he added that the packaging had much to do with consumer acceptance.

In recently debuted lines base on concept of sound, it has been customary for the manufacturer to establish a monaural counterpart of the stereo version. RCA Victor has decided not to do this with Stereo Action. "We don't need the mono version to get off the nut and feel it would be unwise to water down the image of the line." Yorke stated. He added that despite the stable sales strength of the six initial packages, all involved in the project had not yet fulfilled themselves artistically. "We continue to learn new techniques... and the yardstick of merit must be musicality," Yorke added.

Surrey With The Fringe On Top
A Foggy Day
Gone Wit The Wind
You Turned The Tables On Me
Hey, Look Me Over
Syncopated Clock
Lonesome Road
South Rampart Street Parade
The Wind And The Rain In Your Hair
I Get A Kick Out Of You


  1. sorry, but, how do I download the album...

  2. Thanks for stopping by. I infrequently upload entire albums. For space and time reasons, generally only a sample.

  3. I like it! Easy light bachelor pad tunage!


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