Sunday, June 5, 2011


Sabrosa Musica
de Jaimie Llano Gonzalez su organo y ritmos
Vol. VI
Musica de Rafael Excalona
Industria Electro-Sonora. S.A. Medellin, Colombia

I believe Sabrosa translates to "Tasty" Tasty Music?

There are photos of other Sonolux album covers on the back cover that suggest Sonolux pressed an entire series of albums titled Sabrosa with Gonzalez. All the covers have are cheesecake but don't show nipple like this one.

The music is quite fun featuring a 60s space age organ vibe, a treatment I haven't hear before.

Apparently Gonazlez is still active and there is an hugh list of his work available on Amazon so I refrain from posting a sample here. This is just one of those odd records with a fun cover that I find in Northern Kentucky from time to time.

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