Sunday, June 19, 2011

Provocative Piano - Dick Hyman

Provocative Piano
Dick Hyman
Produced and Directed by Enoch Light
Associate Producer: Julie Klages
Art Director: Charles E. Murphy
Cover Art by S. Neil Fujita
Recording Chief" Robert Fine
Mastering: George Piros
Command RS 811 SD
1960 Grand Award Record Co. Inc.

From Billboard - August 29, 1960: Dick Hyman's first Command album should be a strong sales item in the stereo sound field. His flashy, imaginative piano solo work is featured on such outstanding piano numbers as "Cumana," "Warsaw Concerto," "Chopin Nocturne," etc. Ork backing is highly effective and sound is up to Command's excellent standards.

Near You
Autumn Leaves
Tschaikowsky's Piano Concerto
Canadian Sunset
Warsaw Concerto
Sunrise Serenade
Chopin Nocturne
Autumn Nocturne

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