Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Calcutta - Larry Walker And His Orchestra

Larry Walker And His Orchestra
Pirouette Records FM 83

Obscure budget release featuring a band that sounds very much like The Three Suns. Check out the fun version of Caravan. But there is another song, the last track on side 1 that sounds "Calcutta-ish" (even though Algiers is no where near Calcutta... I'm just saying...) and not at all like the rest of the record.  I'm assuming that Pirouette probably inserted the track to help fill out the record. There are three tracks on this album that sound like filler.


  1. I love this record. Its fabulous!

  2. Wonderful stuff,Mark.

  3. Larry Walker seems to be a fake name used to trick people into thinking this was a Lawrence Welk album of the same name. I know that Calcutta was a major hit for him and the single and the album sold well, most likely prompting this knock off.


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