Friday, April 15, 2011

Songs For All Seasons

It's Gonna Be Christmas

Satan's Prison

Mother Will Always Pray
Songs For All Seasons
Royal Master Records
RM 1313

Here is another song poem album presented for your enjoyment or as a test of what you know to be decent and good.

Song poems albums were created by enterprising individuals who solicited poems in the back of cheap magazines. Real people such as the folks pictured on the back cover would respond with their poems and receive a letter of acceptance, a glowing review and a request for cash to help put their work to music.

As is the case with the other Royal Master albums I have in the collection, the vocals were recorded on top of canned, or stock music. On this album the SAME stock tunes were used more than one time. In several cases the vocalist ran out of words and the stock tune just plays out for a bit to end the song. Of courts, it is hard to beat the thoughtless banality of the cover design.


  1. "little sugar plum dances to a tune she enhances" Now that's what I call poetry! You should draw a picture of that.

  2. HA, fabulous! Satan's Prison. I loved that when I first heard you play it. I really need to find some of these song poem records! Satan and Christmas all on one disc!

  3. michelle michfrommich@yahoo.comMay 8, 2012 at 9:56 PM

    I was wondering if you found this record online. My mother wrote Mother will always pray. I do have one record but it is so messed up I can't get it to play. I would love to get this song.

  4. Thank you for your comment. I own this copy as I do all of the LPs I feature here. However, if you mean did I purchase the LP online, yes, from ebay. They are hard to find to be sure. I've posted the song you are looking for so that you can have a decent copy to listen to. It can be downloaded. Just click on the word "divshare" in the player window. Enjoy and have a great day.


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