Monday, April 18, 2011

No Cover No Minimum - Enid Mosier

No Cover No Minimum
Enid Mosier
Decca Records DL 8804

From the back cover: Enid Mosier studied dancing with Katherine Dunham, Pearl Primus and Asadata Dafora and made her Broadway debut to great acclaim in a non-singing role in "St. Louis Woman". A trip to Europe that lasted three years followed the demise of the show, and during this period Enid's vocalistics gained her a huge following in France, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Spain and the British Isles. The Harold Arlen-Truman Capote musical, "House Of Flowers" brought Enid back to Broadway and night after night, she and Ada Moore stopped the show cold with their classic treatment of "Two Ladies in De Shade of De Banana Tree". Now married to her superb drummer, Alfonso Marchall, Enid is delighting audiences from coast-to-coast. "No Cover - No Minimum" is needed to enjoy a most rewarding visit with this great performer.

This album is a bit obscure. Mosier made one other album titled Hi Fi Calypso, Etc. on Columbia.


  1. Love that cover! CRAZY viscious tune!

  2. Wow! This is so great. Couldn't you post some more songs please?

  3. Thanks for stopping by FredrikO. Because of space and time issues I generally only post a single sample. But in this case I have even a better excuse... the record was in rather poor condition and this one great tune was, as I remember... one of the few I was able to salvage. I don't think I saved the entire album.

  4. I see. Thanks anyway for the contribution to calypso nerds like me.


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