Saturday, April 16, 2011

Electronic Music Vol. IV

Pril Smiley: Eclipse (1967)
Columbia-Princeston Electronic Music Center
Electronic Music Vol. IV
Turnabout TV 34301

Selections are works by winners of the First International Electronic Music Competition – Dartmouth College, 1968

Artists include: Oily W. Wilson, Pril Smiley, Jozef Malovec, Eugeniusz Rudnik, William Hellerman and Bohan Mazurek.

The scintillating cover design is credited to Richard Anuszkiewicz.


  1. Yes, I think that some of the best art has been realized under duress and the weight of cumbersome technology. By having your hands tied to any degree during the creative process it forces you to work through difficulties and glitches that you wouldn’t have had otherwise, thus spawning a raw and rare magic out of the confusing brambles so to speak. In my opinion, nowadays the act of creation tends to be too slick, easy and foolproof and this impedes the gritty radishes right from the garden effect that still could be very much a part of the overall artistic experience of exploration and accomplishment.

  2. Very unique find! Interesting background music for looping. Great stuff!

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