Saturday, April 23, 2011

Album Without A Title

Kentucky Woman
Pickwick SPC-3135

Here we have another album that needs no title. The songs sell the record. Buyer beware, of course, you are not buying the original artists. Up here in The Atomic Attic we flip right past the original artists in the thrift store record bin and go right for the lame and awful! Not to mention groovy 60s covers.

Sadly... Hey Jude isn't over-the-top. However, there are a few tracks that are.

The jacket notes are also out of control. Here's an excerpt: This (King's Road - the cover band) is their bag. The sounds of today-made their way. The explosive anger of the young cry out against the senseless slaughter of this time's martyr's in the plaintive Abraham, Martin & John. Cut to the bitter sweet nostalgia or yesterday's love in Those Were The Days. Every member of Kings Road swear allegiance to their demigod – and Lennon McCartney's Hey Jude became their thing. The groovy feelings of being young, being now, are what today's hip composers created on this record. This is King's Road. Dig?

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous! Would love to hear the Hey Jude version on this!


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