Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Unicorn - Peter Pan Records

Green Tambourine
The Unicorn
Peter Pan Pop Singers And Orchestra
Peter Pan Records 8068

The Unicorn? What does a unicorn and Noah's Ark have to do with any of these pop songs? Nothing... that's what. And why the implication that the unicorn was left behind to drown? Dang it! I knew Noah forget something!

Enjoy the Peter Pan Singers as they struggle through The Lemon Pipers' Green Tambourine.



  1. I think that's the saddest album cover I ever saw. No, I mean it's actually horribly sad. Question: Did Noah have to bring two of each fish on the ark? Did he have a green tambourine?

    1. I used to stare at the cover. I didn't understand why. There was still time.

  2. I have to agree with Carl. That cover makes me cry. Why would Noah leave that sweet little crature behind. I have this record too. Then again we can look at it as if Noah is coming BACK to rescue the little Unicorn that he forgot! Yes, that's the story I am going with. Like the island of misfit toys...when I was a kid I could barely stand that segment of Rudolph.

  3. When I was little (in 1968) i spied this album as the family waited in the checkout line at some big box store. The cover with the abandoned unicorn made me cry. It was the most horrifying thing I’d ever seen! My lovely parents, misinterpreting my tears, bought it for me. I stared at that image for hours/ days/ weeks. 50+ years later and I still remember that cover. Looking at it now, I see the Ark is on its way to pick up the unicorn…. But I certainly didn’t understand that when I was little. 🦄


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