Thursday, March 3, 2011

Supercussion - Dick Schory's Percussion Pops Orchestra

Dick Schory's Percussion Pops Orchestra
RCA Victor LSP-2613

This is the third RCA LP that I've found that was apparently created by RCA to promote "Dynagroove" technology. I'm unsure if the promotion did much to promote Dynagroove because the music, although "nice"... seemed dated for the time and that RCA's attempt to show off the engineering, by forcing the high and low end of the audio, made the music seem unnatural.

However this record in the promotion is not like the other albums. While RCA, again presses the dynamic envelope, the percussion approach on this project totally works. In fact, it all works. The cool music is a blend of percussion, swing jazz, easy listening and space age sound. Dynagroove done right!


  1. FABULOUS, smooth bachelor pad music! Bring me a hi-ball, please!

  2. Vibes, light brass, light snare and brushes, winds, etc. with tight arrangements combine to make THE classic space-age lounge album.

  3. Do you have any others by Schory? This guy's fabulous - audio is clean sound is coooool.

  4. Yes, thanks. One other posted here. Do a search for Music For Bang Baaroom And Harp

  5. I have a 1957 album titled re-percussion by Richard Schory.Its even cooler .check it out


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