Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Afro Percussion - Olatunji And His Drums Of Passion

Masque Dance
Afro Percussion
(Babatunde) Olatunji And His Percussion, Brass, Woodwind, And Choir
Arranged by Rayburn Wright
Columbia CL 1634

Terrific blend of Afro Percussion and western influences.

Olatunji's 1959 (wiki reference) Drums Of Passion is his first and most popular recording and can be found online. This record seems more obscure and isn't to be found online.

Drums Of Passion
Columbia CS 8210
1960 (Billboard reference)

Babatunde Olatunji first U.S. release. The album is available on CD and by download. Not influenced by jazz to the extent of Zungo!, however, the inviting arrangements seem westernized to me. Exciting stuff for the 1960s listener and still a treat today!

Below is a live performance of Akiwowo with a smaller group opening for The Grateful Dead, New Years Eve, 1986.

African Waltz
High Life
Olatunji And His Drums Of Passion
Columbia CS 8796


  1. I have something by him but not this one. Fabulous stuff!

  2. I love this album!! Thanks for your posts!


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