Monday, February 28, 2011

The Eloise Trio

Shake, Shake, Senora
The Eloise Trio
Decca Records DL 78983

From the April 25, 1960 Billboard: The Eloise Trio is the trio responsible for the sound that is getting plenty of air plays, Chi Chi Merengue. This time included in the Decca album which bears their name, and also includes a variety of tunes with a calypso flavor. Eloise Lewis, featuring singer of the group, sang before her first real audience at an amateur show in the Bahanes, when she was 11. In 1957, she opened at Blackbreads with her two partners (Bucky and Bert), and opening that marked the official birth of the Eloise Trio.

This is a terrific album featuring the wild and exotic vocals of Eloise Lewis. The vocal stylings are rich and complicated. The band is super tight and Decca did a great job engineering the LP.

Here's a blog with a little more information on Eloise.

All but one track, as far as I can tell, are downloadable from the typical online sources. Zombie Jamboree is a good tune to start with. Blackbeard's Cha Cha, credited by Lewis is also cool featuring a twangy electric guitar. Shake, Shake, Senora is the one tune that I could not find online.


  1. Ha! Loved this song in the movie "Beetle Juice"

  2. SO very magical! What a treasure! Yes! I remember this from Beetlejuice too!

  3. me encantaria tener este trabajo, si es posible.
    Mi correo es
    De antemano gracias y continuen con tan excelente blog lleno de rarezas musicales. Un abrazo


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